Increase coaching ROI
Align culture and KPIs
Innovate faster with excellence

You know coaching works.
You’ve seen it in action, maybe in your own work.
Your C-suite thinks it works.
So when it comes time for you to get budget, because they just think coaching works, they ask you a tough question: “What’s the ROI on this coaching initiative investment?”
How do you respond?
Like a deer in the headlights?
Suddenly have Zoom connection trouble?
Stammer and say something like, “Well, you know, it helps so many people in the company . . .” as your voice drifts off.
Maybe you get some budget.
Maybe nothing like what you asked for.
Or worse, your C-sponsor says, “We had to make some cuts and unfortunately your coaching initiative was one.”

Now imagine a very different conversation.
What if instead your C-sponsor says:
“We’ve all been quite impressed by your coaching for culture results for this year. Engagement is up. Productivity rose dramatically. Customer satisfaction is off the charts compared to last year. We’d like to talk about how we can elevate your efforts beyond your budget request. Have you got a few extra minutes to talk about that?”
So which conversation would you like to hear?

Coaching in a negative work culture is ineffective.
Sure, you know coaching works, but coaching in a negative culture is like putting a band-aid on a compound fracture.
Gallup found that companies who do very little to create a positive work culture have a 48% employee turnover rate. That costs the company up to 2.5x the position’s salary to find and train the next person.
Negative culture companies experience a 33% loss in operating income and 19% loss in revenue growth.
Which conversation do you think the C-sponsor has in such companies?
Is there any wonder you can’t get the budget you want when the company is bleeding cash?

Coaching in a positive work culture is so much more effective
Coaching in a positive work culture is like buying a coach seat on an international flight and getting upgraded for free to first-class.
Gallup discovered that companies who create a positive work culture increase employee engagement by 30%. This culture improvement translates right to the company bottom line: 19% increase in operating income and a 28% revenue growth.
Which conversation do you think the C-sponsor has in a positive culture company?
Of course, you get more budget than you asked for in this kind of company.
Which conversation do you want to hear?

Coaching for a positive culture gets positive, measurable results.
Coaching for the sake of coaching is often effective but isn’t measurable in most companies except the ones where operating income and revenue growth is way down. Then everybody measures what they can—the bottom line—and your budget gets cut.
Coaching for culture pays larger dividends because you engage team members through coaching from a framework that creates a positive work culture.
But don’t just take our word for it.
Download this Harvard Business Review article that focuses on the dramatic effects a positive work culture has on company results.
While you’re at it, go ahead and download our compilation of research from other sources.
Share both with your C-sponsor. Say, “This is what we need to do!”
The research all points to the same reality: a positive work culture attracts top talent, reduces team turnover and increases productivity and profits.
The question is: will your company do what it takes to create a positive work culture through coaching?
Or, will it cut budget until your coaching initiative dries up and dies because of a negative culture?

You can get coach training from lots of providers.
They offer International Coach Federation (ICF)-approved programs just like we do.
Just know you’re throwing good money after bad when you divorce coaching from culture work.
The good news is you don’t have to waste your money.
You don’t have to watch your coaching initiative circle the bowl and disappear in a negative work culture.
You can get world-class coach training, approved by ICF—the gold standard in coaching certifications—AND world-class culture training,
BOTH in the same training program!

Coach Positive Coach Training produces measurable, positive ROI
We designed Coach Positive Coach Training to give you the best of both worlds—coaching AND culture.
That’s right, you can have your cake AND eat it, too!
You get the best of ICF-certified coach training. That’s right, we’ve jumped through all of the many hoops to insure you receive the best of the best so you understand and practice the eight core competencies with excellence. We walk you through the process of ICF certification as an ACC (Associate Certified Coach).
Also, you get the best of positive work culture coach training. You receive a Work Positive Culture certificate when you complete this program. You understand and practice positive work culture coaching from the five core practices of Work Positive culture.
This 60-hour, "English-language" Coach Positive Training Program delivers virtually through the Coach Positive Learning Platform and Zoom over 10 to 11 months. Here are the 32 modules along with a brief description to excite you about the possibilities you’re in for when you apply and get accepted to Coach Positive Coach Training:
Coach Positive Coach Training delivers:

Coaching Defined
This module is the first of six asynchronous ones, i.e., you watch videos and do activities on your schedule. You learn the best definition of coaching, its ethical guidelines and the distinctions between coaching and other helping professions. The focus is on the benefits of coaching at work.

Coaching Sessions
Knowing a very basic coaching model helps the coach mentally navigate a conversation. The Coach Positive Hourglass model is introduced accompanied by a coaching demonstration.

Listening and Encouragement
Listening and encouragement are key skills in a coaching conversation. As a coach listens, the client feels heard. As a coach encourages based on that deep listening, the client discovers inspiration to move forward.

Asking Powerful Questions
Powerful questions are one of the most important tools in a coach’s toolkit. This module explores what makes a question powerful and how to promote discovery with questions. Knowing a few common discovery questions starts the coaching conversation on the pathway to customizing questions to the client’s unique situation.

Evoking Awareness
Coaching focuses on setting goals, creating outcomes and personal transformation. This module creates a unique understanding of coaching which distinguishes it from other personal or organizational support professions. Evoking awareness and how to facilitate new awareness are key outcomes for personal and company transformation.

Strong Starts
This module describes the foundation of the initial coaching session and covers typical questions a coach asks and potential questions a client may ask. Also featured is the importance of creating trusting relationships and how to develop them.

Framework Coaching
This module is the first live session of Coach Positive Coach Training. We gather on Zoom at a time mutually determined. Learning recaps Modules 1-6 and highlights the Keys to Coaching Success. A facilitator demonstrates coaching with a participant.

Coaching Adversity & Risk
Coach Positive Coach Training from the Work Positive culture framework begins with Module 8, the first of 7 that train participants to coach someone from it. The framework training happens through the 7 Keys to Work Positive Coaching Program (see description below). This module explores the sources of adversity, a growth mindset, and introduces the 5 core practices. You discover how to coach this first key.

Coaching the Perceive Core Practice
This module develops coaching skills related to the second key, the Perceive core practice. You grow proficient in coaching for mindset shifting, processing fear, and navigating the transition curve.

Coaching the Conceive Core Practice
This module focuses on the Conceive Core Practice and coaching someone from the third Key of the Work Positive framework. Coaching skills development includes the topics of self-understanding, dealing with negative people without becoming one yourself, collaboration, and creating Work Positive Dream Teams.

Coaching the Believe Core Practice
The Believe Core Practice speaks to emotional engagement and coaching from the 4th Key in the framework. You find out how to coach your clients to redefine reality, belive before there’s evidence, and the strategic value of visualization.

Coaching the Achieve Core Practice
This module trains you to coach for greater productivity by acting on priorities, setting and maintaining technology boundaries, and aligning attitudes and actions with accountability.

Coaching the Receive Core Practice
This module focuses on the Receive Core Practice, Key 6 of the framework which involves developing gratitude and servant leadership.

Coaching to Celebrate and Sustain Development
This module focuses on the 7th key of the framework, Celebrate and Sustain which integrates all the core practices, celebrates success as a culture enhancement tool, and coaching for continuous improvement.

Coaching for Innovation
This module prepares the coach to help clients innovate more. It explores how evoking awareness and powerful questions are highly impactful on creativity and innovation.

Mentor Coaching
Coach Positive Coach Training is unique in that it trains coaches to keenly observe the ICF PCC markers of coaching competencies. Mentor coaching facilitates this process through six, 1-hour group mentor coaching sessions accompanied by four, 1-hour, 1-2-1 mentor coaching sessions. This module explains and begins the process including the proprietary Observation/Collaboration form.

More Coaching Models
This module reviews and discusses coaching models in addition to the Coach Positive Hourglass Model. Skill development includes how to select a coaching model and introduces six models: three that provide structure in sessions, and three that facilitate mind shifts and behavior transformations. Particular focus is given to Establishing the Agreement.

Coaching at Work
This module contrasts positive and negative work environments and how a coach contributes. Coaching for a positive work environment receives emphasis, especially coaching presence and establishing trust and safety.

Client-Centered Coaching
Coaching is a highly personalized relationship that focuses on a client’s uniqueness. The coach develops skills necessary to focus the relationship on who the client is along with their desires.

Group Coaching
This module introduces coaches to coaching more than one person at a time. This skill multiplies coaching’s impact in the organization.

Listening for the Work Positive Framework
This module introduces coaching from the Work Positive framework while adhering to ICF coaching competencies. Skill development includes listening for the client’s use of framework language, understanding the context, and asking powerful questions to facilitate forward movement within the framework.

Masterful Questions
Questions are central to coaching effectiveness. Coaches continually hone their question-asking competency. This module focuses on learning how to ask more powerful questions by exploring the keys that make coaching questions masterful.

Brain Science Basics
Basic knowledge of brain science develops more effective coaches. This module explores the Knowledge Model and asking “test questions” vs “discovery questions.”

Brain Science of Trust
The neuroscience and coaching emphasis continues in this module which explores how the brain develops trust in relationships, specifically about the Reticular Activating System (R.A.S.), brain chemicals related to trust and distrust, how the brain processes fear, and strategies for coaches to develop trusting relationships.

Positive Psychology
This module helps coaches adapt the latest research from positive psychology to coach with the Work Positive framework. It adapts principles from Shawn Achor’s The Happiness Advantage to best practices for coaching.

Positive Change
A focus on positive change from the best practices of positive psychology receives primary focus here which is the goal of Work Positive framework coaching. Topics include expectancy theory, coaching through change for new behaviors and habits, applying the 20-second rule to design new actions, and helping clients succeed through action.

Coaching the Power of One
The Power of One leverages the influence resident in one person—coach or client—to positively impact an organization. Strategies develop around the Pygmalion Effect, Robert Rosenthal’s power of suggestion, Christakis/Fowler research on the Ripple Effect, mirror neurons, and a R.A.S. reprise.

Understanding High Performance Patterns
Each person has a unique pattern of high performance as documented by research of Dr. Jerry Fletcher. This module teaches coaches how to discover and document their own unique pattern of high performance using Fletcher’s research findings.

Coaching High Performance Patterns
This module builds on the previous with a focus on how to help a client discover and document their unique pattern of high performance. The coach develops a practical application so as to best utilize the pattern of high performance.

Anatomy of a Coaching Model
Coaching models help guide the coaching conversation. Building on the numerous coaching models taught thus far, this module explores the anatomy of a coaching model, 7 ways to utilize the elements of coaching models, 3 ways to invent a coaching model and 5 best practices for applying newly invented coaching models.

Masterful Coaching Language
Language is the key tool of a coach. Skillful usage of certain language elements enhances the power of a coaching session. This module focuses on distinctions, formulas, synthesis, and metaphor.

The Work Positive Journey
Transition and transformation are the desired results for Coach Positive clients. This module develops coaches who have the models and tools to coach through both with excellence.
The Work Positive Culture Framework delivers:
The 7 Keys to Work Positive Coaching Program features 7 Modules that show you how to unlock ways your company culture can develop positive habits. You discover how your company best.

- Expect negative people to attack your company culture.
- Engage negative people with one powerful question that reverses the negative into positive.
- Endure negative people with new stamina to persevere.

- Resource team members to focus on positive thoughts rather than the negative ones perpetuated by a negative culture.
- Release team members to stop repeating, “We’ve never done it that way before” and instead say, “Let’s roll!”
- Respond to team members with tactics they can use to filter culture toxicity and clean out negative mindtraps.

- Deal with negative people without becoming one yourself.
- Douse the compare/compete, ego-driven “drama” fires
- Discover how to create and collaborate on Work Positive Dream Teams

- Redefine work and attract top talent.
- Realign company purpose and employee passion to reduce team turnover.
- Reinvigorate a Work Positive culture that innovates

- Prioritize who and what gets attention.
- Put attention in alignment with company and employee intentions.
- Put the new and improved priorities into action now to enjoy more time with family and friends.

- Establish a culture of gratitude for work well done.
- Engage customers and clients through service that builds better, more trusting relationships.
- Express care for your employees as “whole people.”

- Appreciate team members because every person counts.
- Activate productivity because performance counts.
- Accelerate profits because professional development counts.

- The best-seller, Work Positive in a Negative World: Team Edition by culture architect and executive coach Dr. Joey Faucette is yours to pre-read when you’re accepted.
In addition, you receive these bonuses:
- Work Positive Checklist – a simple checklist that coaches you to attract top talent and reduce team turnover and step away from a negative culture.
- Work Positive Cheat Sheet – use this easy-to-follow guide to implement the habit-sets of the Work Positive framework.
- Work Positive Grab & Go Inspirations – quick-read positive thoughts to start your day in the best mindset to ward off a toxic culture.
- Work Positive Affirmations – begin each day the Work Positive way. Listen as Dr. Joey shares positive affirmations that repel the negative effects of culture and preps your mind to make culture count.
- Lifetime membership in the Work Positive Community
- Lifetime membership in the Coach Positive Community
Who we are...

Jane Creswell
Jane became the first IBM coach when she founded the IBM Coaches Network (now with 5,000 members) as she leveraged seventeen years of product development and management experience. She invented the role of Organization Coach. Also, she led the International Coaching Federation (ICF) to formally recognize internal coaching. Jane led IBM to achieve extraordinary results by training and empowering the coaching of leaders across all levels of the enterprise. Now she helps corporations worldwide develop their own effective, sustainable internal coaching cultures. She has worked with companies such as Dow AgroSciences, SAS Institute, BCBS of NC, Northrop Grumman, Cisco Systems, and Oracle. Jane enjoys traveling with her husband, crocheting, and singing.

Dr. Joey Faucette
Dr. Joey Faucette is an Executive and Organization Coach who has invested a lifetime in helping individuals and companies redefine the negative world’s reality and achieve their business dreams. He is the architect of the Work Positive Culture framework and best-selling author of eight books and numerous articles that appeared on Wall St. Journal Money Watch, CNBC, Fox Business News, Entrepreneur Media, and countless other sites. Starting as a 9-year-old selling inscribed Christmas cards door-to-door in the summer, Dr. Joey has built an international positive culture coaching and training firm with a community of certified coaches that serve a variety of businesses from franchise owners to Fortune 50 companies in most industries. He enjoys long walks on the beach with his college-sweetheart wife, working on their farm, and playing with his granddaughter. He prefers to be called “Pops.”

Who joins Coach Positive Coach Training?
Whether you’re new to coaching seeking certification or an experienced coach looking to grow your skills, you discover immense value in the Coach Positive coaching for culture approach. A positive work culture attracts top talent and reduces team turnover which combine to increase productivity and profits.
Past individual clients include coaches wishing to expand their effectiveness, soon-to-be coaches, HR leaders who want to elevate their service within their company, C-suite executives searching for a better way to deliver results, and small business owners looking to take their revenue to the next level.
But don’t just take our word for it.
Check out these testimonials from previous participants:

"I became a much more confident (and ICF certified) coach with the tools, training, coaching and great relationships I built in Coach Positive."
–Todd Sullivan

"Coach Positive Coach Training took me on a deep dive into coaching skills and the ICF competencies, sharpened my skills to a fine point of excellence, and prepared me well for certification."
–Jana Day
Which conversation do you choose to hear?
So what will you hear:
“We had to make some cuts and unfortunately your coaching initiative was one.”
Or . . .
“We’ve all been quite impressed by your coaching for culture initiative results for this year. Engagement is up. Productivity rose dramatically. Customer satisfaction is off the charts compared to last year. We’d like to talk about how we can elevate your efforts greater than your budget request. Have you got a few extra minutes to talk about that?”
For your sake, and the sake of your company and its employees and families, choose to Coach Positive.

Click the button below to complete the individual application form. Open cohorts start quarterly as qualified candidates emerge. We’ll get back with you to arrange an interview. Following your interview, you receive an email regarding your status (approval/denial) and the anticipated start date if you’re chosen.

Click the button below to complete the company application form. Our team will get back with you to do a live interview and determine how we may best partner. Company cohorts start on customized schedules based on collaboration with you.

PS: The Coach Positive Coach Training Program comes with our personal guarantee that if for any reason you want a full refund within 90 days of investing, it’s yours. No questions asked. No guilt trip. Just every dollar back. All the risk is on us. You have nothing to lose and everything to gain.